self taught painter, former forester

Acrylic Painting Resources

Favourites for Traditional Acrylic Painting

These are products that I use every day in the studio. Click the link to find where to purchase them online. Some of these links are affiliate links, but none of these are paid advertisements, and I only include products that I use and recommend.

I began traditional acrylic painting when I was 13, and I use many of the same supplies today. Here’s what I use most often.

Sta-Wet Palette (Small)I love my Sta-Wet palettes for traditional acrylic brush painting. These keep the paint wet for several weeks, and avoid wasted time and paint.

Sta-Wet Palette (Small)

I love my Sta-Wet palettes for traditional acrylic brush painting. These keep the paint wet for several weeks, and avoid wasted time and paint.

Sta-Wet Palette (Large)Here’s another example of the larger Sta-Wet palette.  These have paid for themselves in saved paint!

Sta-Wet Palette (Large)

Here’s another example of the larger Sta-Wet palette. These have paid for themselves in saved paint!

Denim Apron I am so used to wearing my apron and wiping my brush on my apron, I need to wear it every time or I will instinctively wipe my brush on my clothes… When my aprons are too stiff to use, I repurpose them into other art.

Denim Apron

I am so used to wearing my apron and wiping my brush on my apron, I need to wear it every time or I will instinctively wipe my brush on my clothes… When my aprons are too stiff to use, I repurpose them into other art.

Brushes I have a few favourite brushes that I buy over and over.  My favourite series is the Princeton Best, and the brush I use most often is their Angular Bright.


I have a few favourite brushes that I buy over and over. My favourite series is the Princeton Best, and the brush I use most often is their Angular Bright.

Acrylic Paint My favourite brands for traditional acrylic painting are Golden Heavy Body and Tri Art Heavy Body paint.  These both have high pigment strength and come in many colours.

Acrylic Paint

My favourite brands for traditional acrylic painting are Golden Heavy Body and Tri Art Heavy Body paint. These both have high pigment strength and come in many colours.

GessoI use Liquitex gesso in various colors as a preparatory surface for paint or resin. My kids help me apply it to canvases with a roller.


I use Liquitex gesso in various colors as a preparatory surface for paint or resin. My kids help me apply it to canvases with a roller.

Transfer paper I use graphite or other transfer paper when transferring complicated designs onto paintings. The white paper shows up easier against the acrylic.

Transfer paper

I use graphite or other transfer paper when transferring complicated designs onto paintings. The white paper shows up easier against the acrylic.

Canvases For traditional brush painting without resin, I prefer canvas to the wood panels.  I use the Blick Premier canvases because I like the spline fitted back and smooth edges.


For traditional brush painting without resin, I prefer canvas to the wood panels. I use the Blick Premier canvases because I like the spline fitted back and smooth edges.